Digital Design &


Enjoy the ride – with your custom JOOLZ pushchair

Concept, design and templates for the new JOOLZ 3D-Configurator

Celebrate the good things in life

JOOLZ is a Dutch company based in Amsterdam and builds stylish, ergonomic and award-winning pushchairs. With their innovative solutions, they want to create healthy and meaningful experiences for babies and parents.

Founded in 2005 the JOOLZ family has grown to three models with various configurations and several accessories to combine. To help both upcoming and experienced parents find their ideal stroller, CGI experts Mackevision has partnered with us to build a 3D-configurator for JOOLZ.

Design your own JOOLZ Hub
Design your own JOOLZ Day2
Design your own JOOLZ Geo2

Let's grow together

As the first part of the project, a POS solution was developed. Presented in 2018 at the Cologne fair "Kind & Jugend", interested visitors were able to discover the numerous variations of the prams on a large touch device. The heart of the application is based on a real-time game engine and delivers high-resolution and realistic 360 ° visualizations. Beside changing fabrics, wheel and chassis color young parents can also add several accessories or discover the ergonomic functions, called "Positive Design Features".

PANDA took care of the conceptual part of the project, followed by the application design and coordination of the frontend-development. In combination with the high-quality 3D visuals of Mackevision, JOOLZ was able to present itself with a tailor-made solution that clearly stands out from the competition.

JOOLZ 3D-POS solution shows high quality CGI images
„We believe that happy parents raise happy children. We inspire young families to live a positive life and offer them the buildings blocks to positivity.“


Change the look and add accessories to your JOOLZ

Positive Design – positive impact

In addition to functions and models, the web-based solution was launched in June 2019 as the second project step, so that parents around the world can now create their own #myjoolz stroller.

For three models not only color and thus feel and look can be selected. The color of the frame, wheels and up to 20 different grip accents are selectable - so there is something for every taste and requirement. For even more everyday comfort different accessories can be added. A stylish diaper bag, a practical mosquito net, a cuddly baby blanket and more - they are visualized directly on the 3D stroller.

Web-Application with 3D images for JOOLZ
Customer: Joolz
Tasks: Concept, Design, Templating
In good corporation with: Mackevision, Negative Labs, Thomas Eckhardt